It is Sunday, the sun is out, but it won't last long...the prediction is, starting Tuesday it will rain for about 5 days...oh well, that is Spring, right? Take it while you can get it.
The house is quiet and I have the entire day to knit. My "room" is organized once again, everything has been put away. I just have a few pictures to take of some new skeins to add to the stash, and then I can either continue on with some started projects or cast on for some new ones.....ahh the decisions I face. Startitis is such a nag. For a while I was overcome with a burning desire to learn toe up socks. I did master the cast on using Judy's Magic Loop method, excellent video done by Cat Bordhi, and that is as far as I have gotten! I can cast on and create the toe section. I purchased Wendy Johnson's new book Socks From The Toe Up but still have not sat down and gone through it yet. I also got Cookie A's new book Sock Innovations but sadly have not really gone through that one either. Oh, I have oohhed and ahhed at the pretty pictures, and dreamed of making all the socks, but that is a far as I have gotten!!
Seems my latest quest is LACE! I must be absolutely crazy, but for some reason the siren song of lace is calling my name. For someone with a year's worth of knitting knowledge and a limited amount of patience, I do not know why she has picked on me???? I have some ideas, and a crazy notion that I might be able to pull it off...and some wonderful friends on Ravelry that are very supportive...who knows, it might work?
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