So, my mind is kept occupied by thoughts of knitting, yarn buying, needle purchasing, project starting, and frogging, and finishing....all while trying to pacify my son who just went away to school and calls me with cries of "I want to come home." He is suffering from major homesickness, which is common, and he is only 45 minutes away! A full time job that demands my attention, as the school year is just starting, and that is were I work, in a school. Another daughter who is off in PA, with her own set of problems, that needs my shoulder as much as I need hers, but I can't forget that I am that one that needs to be the adult no matter how grown up she has become, and yet another daughter who is trying out the 11th grade and expanding her wings into the realm of dating and all that entails.... Add to that the newly 16 year old stepdaughter who is also in the dating game and the new to middle school 6th grader who is about to loose all his brain power and common sense until he get through puberty (it should come back some time around 2017!)....thank goodness my husband is an understanding man!
Jeeze, I just want to knit!!!! So, I did manage to finish the BSJ that I was making for Jordan and I even had enough yarn left for a cute little hat...

I started a shawl that I planned from a pattern I got from Elmwood Yarn Shop called the Roberta Scarf, one of the women at the shop modified the pattern to make it shawl size. I am doing mine from Peruvian Alpaca....cast that on and got about 5 rows in, noticed a mistake, and also received my shipment of Southwestern Trading Co Bamboo and decided as long as I have to frog the shawl I might as well start my clapotis instead.....could I possibly have startitis?
Well, I am not worrying about it....all I know is that today is Sunday, the house is empty, quiet, and I am going to get my beautiful bamboo and cast on for my is a right of passage for all knitters, is it not?
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