The graduation party is Sunday, and of course there is a baseball tournament in Lewiston all weekend....ok, we can deal with that....just have to work around it....and get everyone to chip in and help out. Get this place ready for a party, no problem! Of course, it would not be a sane life if something major didn't go my van decides to take a crap, we are talking a MAJOR CRAP! Own payments on it, can't sell it, won't get a trade in on it, it doesn't work (!!!) and will now have to put major funding into it to make it drivable again.....and wouldn't you know it, the warranty expired when???? 2,000 miles ago, now doesn't that just figure.
Like I said, Murphy's Law....if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen big time, and it's gonna happen to me!!
So, to make myself feel better, I signed on for the Ravelympics!! Go Team Buffalo!
I have signed on for 3 skull caps and 3 pair of croc socks for Christmas gift will be a miracle if I finish them all in 17 days, but heck, I always aspired to be an over achiever......and besides, it will get my mind of the van repairs!
One day at a time, and it will all work out, that's what my hubby always tells me, and so far he's been pretty much on the mark. Love that guy.

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