Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Move, move, move

So, today is Day 5 of the second phase of this journey.  I started changing my habits on July 9, 2013...a day after the visit to my doctor who suggested the MyFitnessPal app to me.  After learning that I had put on 12 pounds in 6 months (all due to stress in my opinion), and not lost weight like I was told to due 6 months ago, I decided to get serious about the business of living life!

So far I have managed to lose 6 lbs (!) and 5 days ago started working with a trainer.  She has been a ray of sunshine!  She reworked my diet, my eating habits and we are introducing exercise into my life.  Now I know how much I love sweat (NOT ONE BIT) but it is a necessary thing to do to make your body happy!  So today I meet her and we start walking and lifting some weights together.....I can't wait to see what hurts tomorrow and how much :)

My preference is to power lift, I would much rather lift weights than do cardio...that's just me.  But with her expertise and help, I know I will do what I have to in order to make this body healthy and happy again.

I am looking forward to moving forward!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A plan

So, started by filling out a questionnaire for my trainer.  Can't believe I can say that word, thank goodness she is a wonderful friend and caring human being, I'm very lucky to be able to utilize her knowledge.  
For today, 100 oz of H2O before 5 PM, after 5 another 40 oz. before bedtime. And every day moving forward,lol. Ditch the bread (crackers, pretzels, etc.) which is easy because we are not big carb eaters anyway.  I have a feeling I won't be saying that phrase often "which is easy".  No more beer or wine, boo....I do love a nice glass of white, but its not the end of the world.
Meeting with her tomorrow to go over my answers, concerns, etc. and form a plan of attack.  I know it's going to be extremely difficult, but I have to step up to the plate and take responsibility for my health!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Toward a goal

So, I have been faithfully recording my food intake with MyFitnessPal.com and have been surprised to learn a lot of information that is really blowing my mind!  So much about food and it's contents and how much I really should be consuming as apposed to how much I was consuming.  It's a great starting point.  And I say starting because that is not all there is to the journey.  Time to move the body.

I have spoken to a very dear friend and she is willing to take me under her wing, so to speak, and help me on my journey to health.  She is so knowledgeable and I have witnessed her transformation.  It is now time for mine.

Tomorrow starts the next phase....

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Here we go...

It has been far to long and I have been far to lazy.  On the road to recovery.  If I write it, I have to follow it, right?  My best intentions are always dashed by my own self-sabotage, I am over 50, barely :) , have Fibromyalgia and don't take care of myself like I should.  Which has lead to yo-yo dieting and we all know how much yo-yo diets work, now don't we......
Taking matters into my own hands, listening to my Dr. and trying to change my life for good.  No sabotage allow.  I have a lot to be grateful for, it is about time I start being grateful for me.
This is day two of a new way of doing things....much research and much learning is going on.  Dr. T suggested MyFitnessPal for me to chronicle my daily food intake, etc.  It is proving to be a really handy tool.. Hubby has also climbed on board and we are in it together.
My goal - to lose 50 crappy, sorry ass pounds that my body should not be dragging around. 
Let the journey begin.